Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has been one of the first two centers that started liver transplant in India.
Most of the Surgeon doing liver transplant have been an alumni of the liver transplant center at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi is charitable hospital and is not for profit organization.
This charitable institution has an all-round academic activity in all fields.
The organization support to allied departments that are necessary to run a successful program.
The cost of the liver transplant at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi has been the most economical in India.
The patient travel from all over the world come to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital for treatment of end stage liver disease (cirrhosis). The focus is on patient care and outcomes.
The establishment at Sir Ganga Ram is very proactive for patients in need.
The cost of treatment at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital is Rs.18.5 lakhs and the work up of the donor and the recipient is Rs.2 lakhs.
The cost of treatment of liver transplant is one tenth to one twentieth the cost of treatment in the Western countries as in USA, UK and Germany. The cost of treatment of liver transplant is one third the cost of China and one fifth the cost in South Korea.
The investigations done elsewhere in other centres are not repeated again, this will further reduce the cost of investigations of the donor and the recipient.
The result of living donor liver transplant are on par with other International and National centres of liver transplant.
The results are better when the patients are in good condition and without infection. The sick patient who has infection and associated kidney problems, will require more hospital stay and hence the cost of treatment can escalate.
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, has been the Centre where in the Surgeons have been trained and have achieved status in Surgical field before leaving for greener pastures.
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi has gained world-wide reputation in teaching, training and high standard of care.